Music Pro is a responsive music oriented wordpress theme, perfect for a band, a label, or a webzine. It is fully customizable, easy to use and well documented.
It fits to any device and it can be used for any other purpose as well.
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Theme Options
Choose between the dark and light skin, choose your layout and change the whole appearance of your website with the logo uploader, background uploaders and color pickers in the theme options panel.
[/bd_col_3] [bd_col_3]Playlists manager
Manage your playlists, upload and re order your songs, set digital download links and embed your players everywhere with the pumped jPlayer manager.
[/bd_col_3] [bd_col_3]Sidebars
Create unlimited sidebars and choose your sidebar for each page and create unlimited widget areas to widgetize any page. This theme includes 14 custom widgets.
[/bd_col_3] [bd_col_3 class=omega]Galleries Manager
Manage your albums and pictures easily by using the WordPress 3.5 media manager.
[/bd_col_3]The twitter API has updated to 1.1 version. You have install the twitter plugin here and use the new shortcode [wolf_tweet username="your_twitter_id"].